What is trending in terms of home design? Denise has a wide variety of things to show you – from fireplaces to cabinetry, wall treatments, innovations in siding, and more! Denise is not only going to talk about design, she is going to talk about functionality and...
Allowing buyers to customize aspects of their home during the construction process can be very profitable. However, run-away customization can actually create a negative experience for buyers because they start to feel nickeled-and-dimed and constant change orders can...
As you may have ascertained from reading our blog, we are passionate about housing. For years, we have shouted from rooftops that our housing starts were not keeping pace with the numbers needed to house our growing population. Now our national housing shortage is in...
Builders who want to make the most profit on their projects need to have a clear understanding of the needs of the target demographic. So often, this deep dive into buyer needs gets abbreviated…and developments in our very community are suffering at a time in which...
As urban and suburban areas across the country struggle to add more density to their city centers, the issue of parking is going to become a weightier topic. It is something we are certainly struggling with in Bellingham now. Some cities have done a great job of...